Bamasaaba Launch 2012 Circumcision Season
Traditional Circumcision Ceremony or Imbalu season opens in Uganda
The Bagisu “Gisu” tribe in Eastern Uganda launched the start of this year’s cultural circumcision season on Friday commonly known as ‘Kushina Imbalu’.
The opening ceremony of this year’s 2018 Imbalu season-an ancient Ugandan practice of mass teenage circumcision, was officiated by the Bamasaaba cultural leader Omukuuka Wilson Wamimbi who warned against forceful circumcision – according to www.westfm.co.ke
While speaking at the launch held at Bungokho Mutoto Sub County in Mbale District, the Wamimbi sounded a serious warning against those involved in forceful circumcision saying that the act has brought fear among the non Bagisu ling in the area leading to under development in Bugisu land.
He said that those involved in the act are not true Bamasaaba adding that they might be rebels or Al Shabab using the opportunity to tarnish the name of the kingdom but has however called upon the Government and other stakeholders to help in curbing the threats.
The ritual held around August of every even numbered year is Uganda’s largest mass circumcision.The ceremony signify the rituals, musics and dances performed to initiate adolescent boys into manhood among the Bagisu. Often a public event, it is a celebrated and widely practiced Gishu tradition.
The Bagisu (singular Mugisu) are people of the Bantu family who live along the slopes of Mount Elgon (also called Mount Masaba) in eastern Uganda
For further reading or to learn more about the Imbalu ritual read about MUSICKING AND DANCING IMBALU CIRCUMCISION RITUALS